Kudumbashree Recruitment Notification 2021: Kudumbashree Broiler Farmers Producers Company Limited (KBFPCL) invited application from eligible and interested candidates for various posts including Marketing Executives, Production Manager, Lifting Supervisor and Farm Supervisor. The aspirants who are looking for the Kerala Govt jobs can utilize this wonderful opportunity.The offline Application for the Kudumbashree Recruitment 2021 will start on 5th January 2021. Interested aspirants should apply for the post before 27th January 2021 for Kudumbashree Broiler Farmers Producers Company Limited (KBFPCL). The details are below;
Job Type
Kerala Government Jobs
Recruitment Type
Direct Recruitment
Advt No
0001/HR/19/KBFPCL/00028 -31
Post Name
Marketing Executives, Production Manager, Lifting Supervisor and Farm Supervisor
Age Limit and Salary Benefits of Kudumbashree Latest Vacancy
To apply for the Kudumbashree Broiler Farmers Producers Company Limited (KBFPCL) job, the candidates required to attain the following age limit. The notified aged candidates only can able to apply for the job vacancy. Check the age limit details below;
Before applying for Kudumbashree Careerscandidates must ensure that they posses notified educational qualifications. The notified qualified and experience candidates can only apply for Kudumbashree Jobs. The details are below;
Post Name
Educational Qualification
Marketing Executives
Graduates from a recognized university with two years’ experience in Marketing Industry. Preferably MBA
Production Manager
BVSc Graduate with 3 year experience (Those with experience in poultry will be given priority)
Lifting Supervisor
Plus Two
Farm Supervisor
Degree in Poultry production & Business management with 2 years experience and Basic computer knowledge or Diploma in Poultry Production with 3 years experience and Basic computer knowledge
How to Apply for Kudumbashree Recruitment Notification 2021
The candidates shall send the duly filled application form and relevant documents to your preferred district (address mentioned below). Closing date of application submission: 27/01/2021 before 5:00 pm. Only hard copy of the application is accepted.